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LEAPing into new Events!

Kicking off this Wild Warefare Wednesday with a BLAST!

Hello Mercenaries,

It’s nearly Wednesday so you know we’ll run our weekly devs + community jam, but before we get into that we’re going to be blasting this event off with the beginning of our latest event!

Starting tomorrow we’ll kick off some in-game events for LEAP! We’re starting things off with Be the Best - Be Immortalized in LEAP Event! We will host some PVP matches throughout the week of September 7 - 14, please look at the below times for when each match will take place. These events are welcome to all players for a chance to win their name, mercenary skin of choice, and a short catchphrase into LEAP (see the below image as an example).

  • First place for each match will be awarded an in-game banner that will be displayed on one of our maps. This will include your gamer tag, a small quote (no more than a few words), and the mercenary outfit of our choice.

  • This will be added to the maps at a later date, and will be a permanent fixture in the game

  • There will be 7 chances to win, so if you didn’t win the first match, you could win the next!

  • No repeat winners, but feel free to join the match

  • We will have EU and US East servers to accommodate our two most active playerbase

Server: Be the Best - Tournament

Game Mode Match: Team Annihilation



Wednesday September 7

4pm EST - US East

Thursday September 8

11am EST EU and 4pm EST US East

Friday September 9

11am EST EU and 4pm EST US East

Monday September 12

11am EST EU and 4pm EST US East

Tuesday September 13

11am EST EU and 4pm EST US East *two winners in our last match

To make things fair for our most popular servers, we’ll be hosting these events on EU and US East servers. 11am EST events will be hosted on EU servers, whereas our 4pm EST events will be hosted in US East servers.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, we have a lot more in store this week, starting tomorrow with our first major announcement regarding upcoming events. We have PVE and PVP events taking place, including some fun rewards for our content creators to dish out to their community. Be sure to tune into some streams this week to earn some rewards. More details on this will be released tomorrow!

Now onto tomorrow’s Wild Warefare Wednesday!

Special Instructions
  • Wednesday (Sep 7) event will run from 4pm EST until 5pm EST

  • We’ll start off first running our first mini tournament - Team Annihilation

  • Please join the server “Server: Be the Best - Tournament”

  • Once that wraps up, we’ll continue our normal game modes a rotation of Stomping Grounds, Capture the Core, Control, and Team Annihilation played through our various game matches

  • Please join the server "Devs + Community Jam"

  • Everyone is welcome to join!

Prizes for Joining
  • 2500C// sweet sweet credits to buy yourself some luxury guns, decals, and skins in the Black Market


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